Volunteers and a biological technician enjoying their field work experience on public lands by USFWS
Conservation Careers and Volunteer Opportunities
Winter’s the perfect time to explore...
Songbirds need sagebrush, too. See where they’re singing: map.sagegrouseinitiative.com
New Tool Will Help Conserve Western Songbirds
The sweet singing and tranquil trills of native songbirds provide...
A Canada lynx spotted in the snow by Steve Torbit.
Comeback Cat: Canada Lynx Recovery
This week the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced its latest...
This juvenile whooping crane has almost all of its adult feathers and coloration. Photo: Ryan Hagerty/USFWS
Whoop! Whoop! Wildlife Refuges Play Integral Role in Whooping...
A fresh catch from fishing! Photo: Robin Robison/White Mountain Woman
Wyoming Women Get Hooked on Fishing at Local National Wildlife Refuge
Although fishing and hunting may...
Rocky Mountain Front by Dylan DesRosier/The Nature Conservancy
Protecting Habitat at the Headwaters
In an act of great generosity, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) of Montana recently...
Ferruginous hawk by Bill Gracey/https://flic.kr/p/dL2R4s
Good Neighbors and Collaborative Conservation in Sagebrush Country
In July 2017, the Thunder Basin Grasslands Prairie Ecosystem Association (TBGPEA), along with...