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USDA Invests $6.5 Million to Help Conserve Water, Improve Water Quality in Ogallala Aquifer Region

WASHINGTON, May 14, 2015 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is investing $6.5 million in the...

Blackspot of Roses

A common disease of roses is blackspot, a fungus disease that can cause defoliation of susceptible plants. Look for dark, circular lesions with feathery edges on...

Education Key in Understanding Kansas Water Issues

Kansas’ citizens weigh in about water needs in the state’s central and north central areas. SALINA, Kan., and LOGAN, Kan. – Cookies, cereal, marshmallows, whipped...

WaterSense: Making every drop count

Rebecca Blocker, MS, HHS, Housing and Environmental Design Specialist, University of Missouri Extension You can save water and energy, help the environment and keep money...

Help Your Kids Drink (Water) To Their Health

(NAPS)—According to a study in the Nutrition Journal, children between the ages of 4 and 13 should be consuming four to six cups of...

Swim For Your Life

(NAPS)—If you’ve never learned how to swim, you’re not alone. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 37 percent of American adults...

Stay Healthily Hydrated This Winter

(Family Features) When the mercury drops, it’s more important than ever to stay properly hydrated. During the winter, people may not seem to sweat...

Public water lectures being January 14 at Hardin Hall

Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 7, 2015 -- Seven free public lectures on current water issues and research come together to form the University of Nebraska's...

A trifecta of water-planning tools

Fall is a good time for irrigators to plan future cropping systems, and K-State’s Mobile Irrigation Lab has a variety of online tools that...

Best water management under limited irrigation

A K-State expert explains crop watering approaches and which has more favorable economic returns when water availability is limited.   MANHATTAN, Kan. – Getting the most...

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