Throughout history, American Presidents have issued Thanksgiving Proclamations thanking Almighty God for His blessings. Here is the first one, given by President George Washington. ...
Melissa Bess, Nutrition and Health Education Specialist, Camden County; Edited by Jessica Kovarik, RD, LD, former Extension Associate, University of Missouri Extension
Thanksgiving is usually...
Adapted by Jessica Kovarik, RD, LD, former Extension Associate; Based on material by Susan Mills-Gray and Tammy Roberts, MS, RD, LD, Nutrition and Health...
Childhood memories of Thanksgiving all revolve around my Grandmother Pearl. Every Thanksgiving, the whole family would congregate at her home for dinner. I could...
Adapted by Jessica Kovarik, RD, LD, former Extension Associate, from materials written by Tammy Roberts, MS, RD, LD, Nutrition and Health Education Specialist, University...