Kansas has not elected a governor from the Democratic party since Kathleen Sebelius, in 2002. Sebelius had been elected and reelected as Insurance Commissioner...
If we learn anything from the so-called “debates” among Republican candidates for Kansas governor, it’s that the party has tightened its tent.
The staged debates...
The nasty label of “liberal” has been stuck on
those who favor public schools, public highways,
Social Security with simpler programs of Medicare
and Medicaid, and such...
Former Kansas Senator Bob Dole was honored a couple
of weeks ago with the Congressional Gold Medal, a ceremony
that presented a chilling contrast – a...
President Trump has taken a page from the Sam
Brownback playbook, the one about wrecking
institutions by throttling their budgets. It’s from
the chapter entitled “Undermine and...
Out on the national hustings, Scott Walker may be a darling
of the Republican right, but in Wisconsin, where he is governor,
he’s in trouble.
In the...
There have been few big plans to fill the state’s immediate
$400 million budget shortfall. But one idea, first mentioned
in 2010 and quietly revived recently,...
Our elections are tailored today for the zealous voter and the fringe campaign.
Consider: Of citizens over age 18 (and eligible to vote), fewer than...