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Time to Plant Potatoes Approaching

St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner, so it is time to get seed potatoes in the ground. Actually any time from mid-...

Planting Asparagus

Though it is too early to plant asparagus, it is not too early to make plans and prepare soil. This crop is a perennial...

Use a Planting Calendar

If you start vegetable plants indoors, it is often helpful to list seeding dates on a calendar so that plants are ready for transplanting...

Fall planting of asparagus & rhubarb

Fall Planting of Asparagus & Rhubarb We sometimes receive questions as to whether asparagus or rhubarb can be moved in the fall. Though these crops are...

Fruit planting preparation

If you plan to develop or add to your fruit garden next year, now is a good time to begin preparing the planting site. Grass...

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