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Photo credit: Larry Smith

Unit 4 Spring Turkey Permit Available

Five-hundred permits are allocated for the 2017 spring season in Kansas’ Unit 4 turkey management unit. The resident-only permits are available through a lottery...

Commission To Discuss 2017 Turkey Hunting Regulations

The Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Commission will conduct a public meeting in Clay Center at Life’s Finer Moments, 1285 16th Road, on August...

New Habitat First Program Offers Wildlife Habitat Assistance

Habitat First is a new program developed by the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism’s (KDWPT) Wildlife Division for private landowners interested in...

Let’s all take a kid Turkey Hunting

There is a young lad at my church I’d like to take turkey hunting this spring, so today I was perusing the Kansas Department...

Helping bobwhite thrive in Kansas

When we think of game birds, the bobwhite quail is often one of the first that comes to mind. The bird is a favorite...

Kansas Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic kicks off Feb. 19

Hunters and landowners attending the 2016 National Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic are encouraged to visit the Landowner Habitat Help Desk, sponsored by Polaris...

Prime Land Access for Spring Turkey Through Special Hunt in Kansas

It’s hard to beat hunting turkeys during the spring season in Kansas. Weather has warmed up, birds are active and on the move, and...

Oklahoma Quail Population Index Shows Significant Gain

      Bird dogs will be in high demand across much of Oklahoma in the next few months, based on findings from the Wildlife...

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