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Time to Fertilize Warm-Season Kansas Grasses

June is the time to fertilize warm-season lawn grasses such as bermudagrass, buffalograss, and zoysiagrass. These species all thrive in warmer summer weather, so...

Weathering the storm: The psychological factor

Not only do meteorologists master physics, they now must master psychology.  Forecasters are finding that some people tune severe weather messages out or they...

Avoid car-buying potholes

By Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt Buying a car, whether new or used, is a major purchasing decision. Other than houses, cars are the largest...

Augusta: City council to consider new trail at Shryock Park

  The Augusta City Council listened to a proposal from City Manager Art Shaw and Assistant Manager Cody Simms for construction of a new trail...

Kansas Attorney General warns recent storm damage could attract illegal contractors

Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt today reminded Kansas homeowners in areas damaged by recent severe weather to use caution during the cleanup and rebuilding...

Inman Police Department Severe Weather Statement 4/27

The Inman Police Department has released the following statement on their facebook page: The Inman Police Department wants to remind everyone of the probability of...

Gardening is a healthy activity for people of all ages

When most people think about their garden, they think about the fresh vegetables they will be eating all summer. The vegetables are packed with...

Haven: Council updates pool pass prices and terms

The Haven City Council approved a price change for City Pool Passes. All passes will now cost $20 per person and there will be...

Core Aeration of Cool-Season Lawns in Kansas

If you are planning to core-aerate your tall fescue or Kentucky bluegrass lawn this spring, March or early-April is the time. Coring early in...

Vegetable garden soil preparation

We are getting into the vegetable garden season time. In fact many of you have planted peas and potatoes already! Soil preparation is always a...

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