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March 24, Våffeldagen 

Make plans to spend the day in Lindsborg eating waffles for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Originating in Sweden, Våffeldagen is an entire day dedicated to...

Lindsborg: Battle of the Buses is Back

On Saturday, September 19, Battle of the Buses will return to Lindsborg. In this annual fundraiser teams of no more than 10 try to pull...

Deanell Reese Tacha: A vivid history comes to Lindsborg

The Kansas Women Attorneys Association meets this week in Lindsborg – for the 26th consecutive year – and again has stretched the measure of...

Holidays arrive early: A face lift for Garfield!

Garfield Street, between Second and Kansas, has a new, smooth, gleaming surface, a fabulous event for northeast Lindsborg. For years, this had been an ornery...

Red Barn Studio Museum Clayworks artists

Lindsborg: The Red Barn Studio Museum (785-227-2217), 212 S. Main St., Lindsborg, will host a group of visual artists from Disability Supports of the...

College, community, coach: A Bethany football reunion

Spring is a season of reunions – schools and their graduating classes, families, social clubs and civic groups, among many others, all finding ways...

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Creamed soups and etc

Soil and Drainage

“Its Here”

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