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Simple Tips To Get Growing At Home

(NAPSI)—There may be few things more satisfying than growing colorful flowers or eating vegetables picked fresh from the garden. That might seem ambitious if...

Cure the Itch by Planting Peas

If you are tired of winter and hunger for spring, try planting peas as soon as the soil dries and the soil temperature reaches...

Farm-Fresh Food Delivered Directly To Your Table

(NAPSI)—American farmers are so efficient that even though they now comprise just 2 percent of the workforce, their efforts and advanced agricultural methods mean...

Leaching Houseplants

Everyone knows that someone stranded in the ocean should not drink the water. The salt content of that water will make a bad situation...


Though lettuce is most often planted directly from seed in late March to early April, it can be started from transplants. Transplants allow lettuce...

Soil Testing

Most gardeners think that soil tests are done only to find out what nutrients are deficient. However, it is just as important to know...

Lawn Calendar for Cool-Season Grass

The following suggestions are for cool-season grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass or tall fescue. Zoysiagrass, bermudagrass, and buffalograss are warm-season grasses and require a...

Fertilizing Spring Flowering Bulbs

The best time to fertilize spring-flowering bulbs is when foliage emerges in the spring rather than at flowering. Traditionally, gardeners have applied fertilizer during...

Handling Tips for Valentine’s Day Roses

If you are fortunate enough to receive roses from a loved one this Valentine's Day, follow these guidelines to help extend the life of...

Raised Bed Gardening

By: Scott Eckert, County Extension Agent, Horticulture I grew up in the sand hills a little bit West of here where the soil is SANDY....

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