Michael Goldschmidt, National Director – Healthy Homes Partnership, State Housing and Environmental Design Specialist, University of Missouri Extension
Did you know that your chances of...
Adapted by Jessica Kovarik, RD, LD, former Extension Associate, from materials written by Karma Metzgar, Nutrition Specialist, Nodaway County, & Susan Mills-Gray, Nutrition Specialist,...
More than 35,000 property crimes take place on college and university campuses each year, according to the U.S. Department of Education. Is your college-bound...
The Kansas Association of Community Action Agencies (KACAP) will be holding its annual
conference on July 15-17 in Topeka at the Downtown Ramada. Keynote presentations...
(NAPSI)—According to the 26th annual Weber GrillWatch Survey, a whopping 80 percent of American grill owners feel that grilling is an important activity when...