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Turfgrass: Core Aeration of Cool-Season Lawns

If you are planning to core-aerate your tall fescue or Kentucky bluegrass lawn this spring, reserve a machine now so you can get the...

Managing Turf in Shade

Turfgrasses differ in their capacity to grow in shade. Among Kansas turfgrasses, tall fescue is the best adapted to shade though it isn’t all...

Lawn Calendar for Cool-Season Grass

The following suggestions are for cool-season grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass or tall fescue. Zoysiagrass, bermudagrass, and buffalograss are warm-season grasses and require a...


Apply Late-Season Nitrogen Application in November November is the time to give cool-season lawns the last nitrogen application of the season. Why November? Because while top...

Lawn care tips for Fall

Lawn Care Tips for Fall   (Family Features) Taking time in the fall to prepare your lawn for the colder months ahead will pay dividends come...

Power raking and core-aeration

September is the optimum time to power rake or core-aerate tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass lawns. These grasses should be coming out of their summer doldrums...

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