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Easy Spring Lamb, Sides and Treats

(Family Features) This Easter holiday, hop into a new tradition and swap your classic ham for savory lamb. Cooking lamb can be easier than many...

Taking Care of Your Lawn care Month-to-Month

This is your guide to month-to-month lawn care needs. March Spot treat broadleaf weeds if necessary. Treat on a day that is 50 degrees or...

The Conservation Gift That Benefits Us for Countless New Years to Come

As we bid farewell to the holiday season, it’s a good time to take stock of the gifts we received—and the gifts we gave....

Watering in Kansas may be needed this summer

Many areas of Kansas went through an extremely wet spring. Gardeners may assume that little watering may be needed this summer as the soils were...


Bermudagrass Control Bermudagrass can make a nice lawn if you don't mind its invasiveness and short growing season. But many people dislike both these characteristics....

Brown Patch on Fescue

We have been receiving numerous reports of brown patch showing up on tall fescue. This disease is favored by warm night temperatures and extended...

Enjoy Backyard Family Time

(Family Features) A lush, healthy landscape is the perfect setting for making family memories. In fact, more than half of Americans say their yard...

Tips On Helping Your Yard Warm Up To Spring

(NAPS)—With winter finally behind us, it’s time to focus on getting your yard prepped and ready to enjoy! Here are some tips that can...

How Low Should You Go?

We often are asked whether it is good to mow lower in the spring. The answer is yes and no. It doesn’t hurt to mow...


By: Scott Eckert, County Extension Agent, Horticulture   As you are planning to attend the Harvey County Home and Garden Show this weekend you need to be...

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