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‘Downs’ in the Stock Market making a BIG Impact

  After a relatively calm 2017, stock market investors had to buckle their seat belts this year.  Since the end of January, the S&P 500,...

3 Things To Consider About Your 401(k) When Changing Jobs

More people change jobs than ever before. The average American worker makes 12 employment moves before retirement, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.   With...

3 Ways For Couples To Discuss Money Without Getting Divorced

  Numerous studies point to money as one of the leading causes of divorce. From different spending habits and financial goals to one spouse earning...

5 Financial-Planning Tips For Young Investors

Being a young adult can be exciting – enjoying the early stages of a career, having your own place, making new friends – but...

Four Behavioral Mistakes That Can Torpedo Your Financial Plan

Each day investors nervously monitor world events, wondering which wars, election results, natural disasters or other happenings beyond their control might cause the market...

Are You Financially Prepared For A Family Health Crisis?

  Americans are living longer, which means more time with the grandchildren, more time to travel to those places you didn’t see when you were...

4 Ways Baby Boomers Can Avoid Going Bust On Their Kids’ Student-Loan Debt

Crushing student loan debt is usually thought to be the younger generation’s problem. But more and more, with graduates unable to handle it on...

5 Reasons To Clean Out Your Financial Garage

  It’s amazing how much stuff piles up in a family garage over the years. The stacks get higher every year because, presumably, the items...

3 Ways To Avoid Toxic Financial Advice And Rash Decisions

Investors hear so much conflicting information and advice in the media these days that it’s perhaps easier than ever to become confused and make...

Overdraft protection services

Adapted from MU Office for Financial Success blog post by Trish Savage, M.S., AFC®, Family Financial Education Specialist, University of Missouri Extension Do you use...

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