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Maximize garden space by growing vertically

K-State horticulture instructor says a vertical garden offers many benefits in addition to needing less space Kansas State University horticulture instructor Cynthia Domenghini says home...

Hummingbirds arriving soon

Prepare for hummingbird season by planting bird-friendly plants and hanging hummingbird feeders in the landscape Warmer weather means flowers will soon bloom, but it is...

These robots provide a high-tech solution to an age-old farming problem: how to get rid of weeds

Celia Hack Harvest Public Media Greenfield Robotics, a Kansas-based company, is hoping to move agriculture away from herbicides. They’ve developed robots to take on a labor-intensive...

Put Spring Crank Up on your calendar

Spring Crank Up! Tractor Show is scheduled for Saturday, April 20th at Ag Heritage Park in Alta Vista. All tractors, original or refurbished; all...

Sterling loader and backhoe manufacturer to expand

KMW Ltd, a leading manufacturer of loaders, backhoes, and attachments, is pleased to announce that they are growing. Plans for building new facilities situated...

Solar eclipse viewing party at Kansas Wetlands Education Center

FHSU University Communications On April 8, from 12 to 3 p.m., the Kansas Wetlands Education Center is offering a unique opportunity for the community to witness...

Bringing back native grasslands after wildfire

The first blades of green grass have already shown up in native grasslands blackened in the wake of the Smokehouse Creek Fire or other...

Alfalfa U keynote speaker gives 2024 weather outlook

More than 130 alfalfa growers and industry experts from multiple states gathered in Dodge City, Kansas, for Alfalfa U on Feb. 27. The event...

Memorial honoring 83 Kansans killed in Iraq, Afghanistan to be unveiled in Junction City, Kansas

Junction City, KANSAS - Kansans have always answered the call to defend the freedoms of Americans. A memorial honoring the 83 men and women...

A Gathering for Gardeners

A day filled with free gardening information for homeowners and gardeners has been scheduled for Saturday, March 9th. The Hutchinson Horticulture Club organizes and...

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