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Take extra precautions when cooking for large groups

Take Extra Precautions When Cooking for Large Groups   As the holidays approach, a K-State food scientist discusses quantity cooking food safety.   OLATHE, Kan. – Food is...

Purchasing, thawing and cooking your turkey

Adapted by Jessica Kovarik, RD, LD, former Extension Associate, from materials written by Tammy Roberts, MS, RD, LD, Nutrition and Health Education Specialist, University...

Cook and freeze now to avoid holiday stress

One way to prevent holiday stress is to prepare some of the food ahead of time and freeze it. From casseroles to cookies you...

Cooking with your child

By: Susan Jackson Cooking with your kids is a great way to teach your children important life skills and make memories as a family!  4-Hers...

Roastng pumpkin seeds

Now that Halloween is past you may be wondering what to do with the pumpkins that were used to decorate for the holiday. Consider roasting...

The Covered Dish: Orange cinnamon rolls

I thought I’d pass along some of favorite cooking woes and tips as we enter the months of November and December. There are some...

The Covered Dish: Stuffed apricots

Last week found our family hitting the road for Wichita and McPherson, Kansas. After a fun Saturday morning at the Cook’s Nook we returned to...

The Covered Dish – Pork Chili

This week I am featuring a recipe that is bringing me a great deal of positive comments at work. Every time I present a recipe...

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Creamed soups and etc

Soil and Drainage

“Its Here”

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