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Telegraph, Telephone, Telemedicine

Technology has come a long way in the past 200 years. The telegraph was invented in 1837 and made rapid long range communication possible....

Carrot casserole

OK, I need someone to ‘stretch’ the weekends! Just not long enough to get everything completed. Today I made my first fresh pasta salad...

The Toad Abode

There’s just something about a toad that “conjures” up visions of a witch in a huge black hat with a big hairy wart on...

Property and taxes: a review

Politicians often treat taxes as if they were rogue bacteria, ever-ready to afflict suffering and decay. This makes fine stuff for a speech or...

“Bulligerent” revenge

The guys at the morning Geezer Gang Gathering at the Short Stop were recently discussing some of the ins and outs of moving cattle....

No, No and Nope

So, have you heard or read about the big Cicada “emergence” about to happen in several other Midwest and Southern states? These are not...

Pina Colada Cake

I wish I had a whole week at home so I could cook and get my home in order! Weekends just are not long enough....

Appreciation Recognition Given By Morris County 4-H Foundation

Recognition for support of the 4-H program in Morris County was highlight of the recent Morris County 4-H Foundation Banquet at Council Grove. Growth in...

Repurposing Feral Cats for Today’s Topsy-Turvey World

Cats of any description are fierce, efficient hunters, and feral cats, all-the-more. They do untold damage to pheasant and quail populations and kill large...

Property and taxes (2)

People can be inclined to view taxes this way: Impose them on someone else – the "fair share" principle of human nature. But our...

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