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Laugh Tracks in the Dust

This was a week of reader responses to past columns. One faithful reader, ol’ Taka Sipp, wrote:“Just finished reading your column about sampling your...


  "GOVERNMENT'S FIRST DUTY IS TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE, NOT RUN THEIR LIVES." Ronald Reagan   The old saying that "I'm from the Government and I am here to...

February: the 3 a.m. of the calendar

  Winter in Kansas now seems impossible. A sustained winter that is, hard frozen, with layers of snow building with the intermittent storms and to melt only...

Those responsible

Since the day Cain raised a rock to Abel’s head, men have been about the business of slaughtering one another. Oceans of blood spilled...


"REAPING POLITICAL DIVIDENDS OUT OF TRAGEDIES IS  DEEPLY INGRAINED IN THE CONGRESS' DNA." Piyush Goyal   I did not grow up with the shootings in schools and most...

Total commitment

          Pottawatomie County farmer/stockman Glenn Brunkow entered the Capital Plaza Hotel in Topeka with his hair askew and his demeanor...

Closing the Loop

Just like the Disney ride says, its a small world. There is that moment that your parent hands you the box of all your...

Bioengineer takes a stand

For many years Darwinism has been the undisputed law in academia, despite its ugly history, including opening the door of Eugenics. Any challenge of the...

Light Goose Conservation Order 2018

I remember a story told to me by a friend who is part of a group of goose hunters that tries to go to...

A Babysitter with Benefits

I started babysitting my sister when I was in the 6th grade. We were living in the house on the highway that everyone called...

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