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Heifer Dancing

It seems to me that each succeeding generation is waiting longer to get married and have kids. My wife had a great-grandmother who got...

High Value In Reading

“Reading is important in so many ways.” Ever since learning to read the simplest writings in first grade or before, it has been very enjoyable...

Breaded Tomatoes

The next couple of weeks I’m going to be featuring my dad, Jerry’s favorite recipes. I remember mom making this delicious dish for pop...

Get Outta’ Jail Free

Well, the weather changed again today. Today we reached 68 degrees while yesterday it was 65. That's global warming for you. (Had the temperature...

We, the government

In our town, like others, people are the government. It's the arrangement set out by our founders and it's worked well here for more...

Crawdad Calamity

As I observe kids today totally absorbed in their electronic devices for self-entertainment, my old mind wanders back to my childhood near Moran in...

Feral Chickens…Seriously?

I heard years ago, from a family member living in Florida, that feral chickens were actually a problem there. I didn’t want to believe...

A One Man Ban

I suppose you heard that Amazon founder Jeff Bezos made a commitment to give 30 million dollars over a five year period to North...

Thrown For A Loophole (Best Of)

(1) Federal Tax: If your income was less than $3.75 in 2024 remit 15%. If it was greater than $3.75 but less than $39.99...

Living lessons

Mid-afternoon a couple of weeks ago in Salina and there it was on Debold Street, westbound and waiting at the light on 9th ‒...

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