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Horse Whisperers May Be Able To Help Engineers Build Better Robots

New research shows that age-old interactions between people and their horses can teach us something about building robots designed to improve our lives. Humans and...

Cowboy Code Of Conduct

The West has long been associated with honor, bravery, and the pioneer spirit of heading into the unknown to make a better life. Today, the...

Overnight Apricot Coffee Cake

Woo hoo, the big Monopoly tournament was a huge success and we are now the proud owners of a beautiful KC Chiefs & KC...

Xtreme Wildlife Rescue

A few years back, Joyce was hooked on a couple British TV shows all about rescuing wildlife, and the British take that VERY seriously....

Space News, and the Great Beyond

One of the most prominent and interesting features of the night sky, is our very own Moon. We, as humans, have been infatuated with...

Creative Aggie Salesmanship

When I wuz a young whippersnapper growing up back in the mid-1900s, I earned spending money any way I could. Some of the main...

Herding Cats (Best Of)

The United Kingdom of Great Britain has been responsible for exporting many significant ideas and objects around the world during their long and colorful...

Off On The Wrong Foot

When I was hired as a field editor for a prominent livestock weekly I was 21 and greener than a gourd. I'd only been...

Property and taxes (1)

Painful as they may seem, property taxes sustain our communities, a life source for cities, counties and school districts. May brings the deadline for...

Sweet N’ Sour Meatballs

What an outstanding weekend! I saw folks I haven’t seen for years in Northeast Missouri. We told stories, enjoyed great food, had perfect weather,...

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