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Hard lessons in farm safety

Anyone who's been involved in food production knows that farming and ranching rank near the top as the most dangerous profession. Nearly every aggie...

“Nebraska Rescue Horses Sold At Auction” “Skijoring Becomes Popular Sport For Skiers Pulled By Horses”

Nebraska Horse Rescue Horses Sold At Auction Epona Horse Rescue, missing most of the animals that called it home, was the quietest it’s been in...

Rural-Oriented Youth Group Opportunities

“Young people are busier than they’ve ever been since the beginning of time.” There’s always something going on with school, athletics, work, church, parties, and...

“True Self-Care”

  During our most recent family movie night, we watched one of my favorites: Encanto. At one point in the movie, a character who has...

The Worst Jobs I’ve Ever Had

Here are the ten worst jobs I've ever had. #10- Turning over hay bales- As a teenager I worked on a ranch hauling hay from...

Coloring Outside The Lines

In my younger years I fantasized about becoming fabulously wealthy as an artist. There was only one thing standing in my way... I couldn't...

Pea Salad

Where do I begin to share about my last week? We just returned from a 1400 mile trip touring Southeast Minnesota, (St. Charles &...

Fake spring?

  I think I'm being taken in for a sucker by Mother Nature. She's been dishing up so many warm sunny days in early March...

Then and now

  We look to the past for lessons only to discover we haven't learned much or that we have forgotten a lot. After a recent...

“Wild Horse Annie Is The Original Champion Of America’s Wild Horses And Burros”

[email protected] Wild Horse Annie Is The Original Champion of America’s Wild Horses And Burros There are few historical figures who have left a more indelible mark...

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Creamed soups and etc

Soil and Drainage

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