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Journalism lost (1): the editorial

  The news today is often about complicated matters that even experts have trouble unraveling. Taxes, budgets, the economy and political madness are among today's...

Canaries in the Water

Many a good fisherman has cut his or her “teeth” on bluegills, often catching them from a farm pond with nothing but a hook...

Instantaneous Irritating Itch

At my age, seldom does a week go by that I accidentally don't do sumpthin' that is what I call "chuckle worthy." It happened...

Legendary Horsemen Eager To Help Others Develop Their Unique Skills

Passing along their horse working skills to others was emphasis of legendary horsemen at the EquiFest of Kansas in Salina. Moderated by veterinarian Dr. Stan...

Legendary Horsemen Eager To Help Others Develop Their Unique Skills

  Passing along their horse working skills to others was emphasis of legendary horsemen at the EquiFest of Kansas in Salina. Moderated by veterinarian Dr. Stan...

Living By Five P’s

“Prior planning prevents poor performance.” It is an adage repeated in recent readings about increasing cattle operation profits, but also applies to life in general. To...

Brain Shrinkage Syndrome

I read some news recently that should concern everyone with half a brain. Did you know that since animals, and I'm including humans here,...

“Joint replacement surgery: an individualized decision”

As a general internist who does primary care for adult and elderly patients, I talk to patients a lot about arthritis and joint replacement...

Whole wheat bread

What started out as a simple day of making one loaf of bread turned into 3 loaves of bread. The recipe I am featuring...

Tree Top Turkey

Today, as I sit here at my computer, not sure whether I’m gonna’ hunt turkeys this year or not, one spring turkey hunt from...

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Creamed soups and etc

Soil and Drainage

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