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In The Wrong Hands (Best Of)

To me, cell phones have become a typical example of the physical and moral decay in this world of ours and I knew this...

Indecent Exposure

Instead of fun and games this week I'd like to write about what I call "the outside disease" because most of the people I've...

Hard Roads And Easy Streets

I've always wondered, when does a town become a city? Is there a magic number like 10,000 or 100,000? I may not know when...

Seafood Casserole

Felt it was most appropriate to share a Midwest seafood recipe for this new year, since my family has been living on nothing but...

Scientific Observations of 2024

If this year has proven anything it's that things can change fairly rapidly. That is to say, that you can never really know what...

Urban lad’s cow description

It's encouraging that many urban schools are making an attempt to introduce their students to agriculture, farming, ranching, natural resource conservation, and the ins...

Carrot Cake

The column is going to be short this week as I am overwhelmed with things on the home-front. My dad, Jerry, passed on to...

“Food Anaphylaxis”

True food allergic reactions cause anaphylaxis. Eating even a tiny bit of the allergenic food causes the patient to quickly develop symptoms that can...

Appropriate Rodeo Attire

This is the season for county fair and state fair rodeos across the nation. Rodeo participants are a bunch of tough customers, even the...

High Value In Reading

“Reading is important in so many ways.” Ever since learning to read the simplest writings in first grade or before, it has been very enjoyable...

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Creamed soups and etc

Soil and Drainage

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