Concentrate feeds can be a cost-effective option under certain conditions
MANHATTAN, Kan. – In years when hay and forage production is low due to drought,...
Collaboration with K-State researchers helps farmers fine tune their inputs, management and yields
MANHATTAN, Kan. – Saline County farmer Justin Knopf has no problem trying something...
Odde receives award from KC Ag Business Council
MANHATTAN, Kan. -- Ken Odde, former department head and currently a professor in Kansas State University’s department...
Researchers have verified reliability of infrared cameras in measuring water needs
MANHATTAN, Kan. -- Kansas State University researchers have tested the reliability of thermal infrared...
Unique three-agency agreement extends efficiencies while spreading knowledge
MANHATTAN, Kan. – Researchers from Kansas State University recently participated in a new kind of partnership to...
Research will focus on muscle fatigue due to vibration in trailers
MANHATTAN, Kan. – Kansas State University researchers are planning a road trip later this...
After earlier wins, team placed second at final spring event
MANHATTAN, Kan. – The Kansas State University Crops Team completed the spring season at the...
Research suggests benefits of pasture burning in August or September
MANHATTAN, Kan. – Uncommonly blue skies prevailed across much of eastern Kansas this April....