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Fact Sheet Available on Wheat Disease New to Kansas

Wheat Flag Smut is detected for the first time since the 1930s. MANHATTAN, Kan. – Kansas is hosting an unwanted traveler this year – wheat...

Controlling weed seeds in wheat stubble

By Ryan Flaming, County Extension Agent, Agriculture & Natural Resources Because of the excessively wet weather in May, among other reasons, many fields of wheat...

Secretary Vilsack Proclaims August 2-8 National Farmers Market Week

WASHINGTON, July 14, 2015 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has declared Aug. 2 through 8, 2015, as "National Farmers Market Week." The declaration was...

Fact Sheet: USDA Support for Older Americans

USDA is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of older adults, ensuring that all older Americans have access to healthy food, and that...

Kansas Wheat Scoop No. 1903: All in Good Authority

By Audrey Schmitz For audio file and photos,  visit www.kansaswheat.org.   In a successful bipartisan effort President Obama signed the Trade Promotion Authority into law on June...

Kansas Wheat Scoop No. 1903: All in Good Authority

By Audrey Schmitz For audio file and photos,  visit www.kansaswheat.org.   In a successful bipartisan effort President Obama signed the Trade Promotion Authority into law on June...

Faces of Harvest: Brad Hobelmann

By Audrey Schmitz   Ever since he was knee-high to a grasshopper, Brad Hobelmann from Belleville, Kansas has been involved in wheat harvest. In the late...

K-State Risk and Profit Conference Set for Aug. 20-21 Weather topics play a prominent role this year

MANHATTAN, Kan. – Weather on the High Plains has always been fickle, but this year has been extreme – even for Kansas. Going from...

Faces of Harvest: Chris Tanner

By Julia Debes   Luckily, Chris made the decision to apply fungicide to his crop. His wheat yielded between 30 to 50 bushels per acre with...

Kansas State Board of Agriculture meeting July 17

TOPEKA, Kan. – The Kansas Department of Agriculture’s Board of Agriculture will meet at 11:30 a.m. on July 17, 2015 via tele/web conference. The meeting...

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