Sawyer M. Barham of Coffeyville Community College having solid performance at Nationals


Sawyer M. Barham of Coffeyville Community College has put together 3 solid runs at the Collegiate Rodeo National Championship.

1st go round   Tied for 1st with a score of 5.1

2nd go round   Tied for 6th with a score of 6.7

3rd go round    Tied for 3rd  with a score of 6.2

Sawyers efforts have helped Coffeyville Community College’s team score as the currently sit in 17th place after the 3rd go round.  The championship round will be held on Saturday June 20th starting at 7:00 PM.

CNFR 2015
Men’s Teams – Interim
As of June 17, 2015 8:09 PM MDT
Rank School Name Points
1. UTNM University of Tennessee-Martin 415.0
2. MVC Missouri Valley College 360.0
3. CSID College of Southern Idaho 325.0
4. TARLET Tarleton State University 285.0
5. PANHDL Panhandle State University 275.0
6. CUESTA Cuesta College 270.0
7. HILL Hill College 265.0
8. CASPER Casper College 245.0
9. DICKSN Dickinson State University 220.0
10. WOKSC Western Oklahoma State College 220.0
11. WTXC Western Texas College 210.0
12. WWCC Walla Walla Community College 210.0
13. RANGER Ranger College 200.0
14. BLUE Blue Mountain Community College 185.0
15. SAMSU Sam Houston State University 175.0
16. CAZC Central Arizona College 160.0
17. COFFEY Coffeyville Community College 160.0
18. SEOKSU Southeastern Oklahoma St Univ 160.0
19. UAC University of Arkansas, Cossatot 160.0
20. UMTW University of Montana, Western 150.0
21. SARU Southern Arkansas University 140.0
22. WHARTN Wharton Cnty Junior Coll 140.0
23. FRESNO California State University-Fresno 130.0
24. NMSU New Mexico State University 130.0
25. ODESSA Odessa College 125.0
26. CAPSLO Cal Poly State University – San Luis Obispo 115.0
27. CONWCC Colorado Northwestern Com Coll 105.0
28. WEATHR Weatherford College 100.0
29. MCNSU McNeese State University 90.0
30. SWOKSU Southwestern Oklahoma State University 90.0
31. EMSCC East Mississippi Community College 80.0
32. NWC Northwest College 80.0
33. UWY University of Wyoming 80.0
34. SDSU South Dakota St Univ 75.0
35. IACCC Iowa Central Comm Coll 70.0
36. LARMIE Laramie County Community College 70.0
37. NEJC Northeastern Junior Coll 60.0
38. FTSCOT Fort Scott Community College 45.0
39. UNVLV University of Nevada-Las Vegas 45.0
40. SHERID Sheridan College 40.0
41. TVCC Treasure Valley Community College 40.0
42. WHILLS West Hills College 40.0
43. MTSU Montana State University 35.0
44. NEOKAM Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College 25.0
45. UTSU Utah State University 20.0
46. MESACC Mesalands Community College 15.0
47. PANOLA Panola Junior College 15.0
48. FEATHR Feather River College 10.0
49. GILLET Gillette College 10.0



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