Pretty Prairie resident Haley Stucky Judo news and accomplishments


First Grader Haley Stucky is keeping busy with her Judo. Haley competed in the Becerra Judo Challenge in Garland, TX in September which she earned 3rd place in both the 6-8-year-old Novice Division & the 6-8-year-old Juniors Division. In October she traveled to Joshua, TX for the 3rd Annual Judo Diva ‘Go Pink’ Judo Tournament. This was a girl only event supporting breast cancer awareness. She earned 2nd place in the 6-year-old division, which she brought home a custom pink medal and a tiara. October 8 and 9 found her at a 2-day clinic put on by 2-time Olympian Nick Delpopolo in Kansas City.

Haley is now preparing the Dallas Invitational tournament and the Presidents Cup completions both held in Irving, TX the weekend of November 19-20. She is hoping to hold on to her second place national ranking.


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