Pratt Community College launching eSports team in fall


Pratt Community College is adding a new varsity program to their roster and it’s not your typical jock sport. It’s called eSports and PCC will be rolling out the virtual carpet to new and current students who are interested in the fall 2016 term. eSports, unlike the traditional athletic sport, is a new venture colleges all over the country, and the world, are adopting and implementing into their athletic and academic programs and organizations. It’s the sport of competitive video gaming and Pratt CC is on board.

eSports typically involves computer based video games that can be played online such as the popular PC game League of Legends. On the collegiate level 100s of universities and community colleges have implemented eSports into their programs and compete regionally against each other as a part of the Collegiate Star League. PCC is in the beginning stages of planning and implementing this sport and has just recently announced approval from the Board of Trustees and PCC President Dr. Calvert.
Dr. Michael Fitzpatrick, PCC Vice President of Instruction, has been researching this trending activity since before he began acclimating into his new role just a few months ago.

“I knew this would be a viable opportunity to not only increase enrollment but to also engage students in a way that they aren’t traditionally,” said Fitzpatrick.

Fitzpatrick has no doubt that eSports will draw in many current PCC students as well as be a big interest to prospective students looking into colleges right now and eSports might just be the champion in their decision making.

“Recently we had a large group of students visit from Wichita area high schools and just from sitting with them for a few minutes and discussing eSports many of them expressed immediate interest and excitement about the sport,” said Fitzpatrick.

Fitzpatrick also said that his goal for eSports and Information Networking Technology program is to bring in 35 new students and a new faculty member that will also be the eSports coach. The PCC eSports team will be a Varsity coed academic sport that will be in association with the revitalized INT program that is slated to launch in the fall of 2016 as well. Current and prospective students from any and all programs are welcome to try-out for the team. PCC is currently searching for an INT Adjunct Instructor/eSports Coach and recruiting for the program and the eSports team will begin as soon as possible.


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