The Wedding Date for Daughter Lovina and Daniel’s Wedding Is Announced


Forty-three years ago, on April 16, my oldest sister Leah and Paul united hands in marriage. I was in third grade at the time, and for some reason, I always remember that Good Friday was the next day. I remember sitting beside my mother as Leah and Paul were being married. I couldn’t figure out why my mother would cry at a wedding. Now, as my own children marry and move away from home, I understand what her tears were about. I wish Paul and Leah a happy anniversary and many more happy, healthy years together. 

Now, another of our children will be leaving home and starting a life together with her friend. 

Daughter Lovina and Daniel’s wedding date was announced at church on Sunday. Lord willing, they will be united in marriage on June 21 (Friday). Daniel is living in the place where daughters Susan and Verena had lived, so that is where they will make their home.

We have a few busy months ahead preparing for this wedding. I haven’t started with sewing for the wedding yet. Hopefully, in the next week or so I can get that done. 

Last night, we had our first asparagus for this season. Rhubarb looks like it is ready to use, and Joe keeps reminding me that we need a rhubarb custard pie on the table soon. 

Son Benjamin mowed our grass for the first time this week. He had his stitches taken out and seems to be doing okay. The doctor said to watch for infection yet since it was a deep wound. Benjamin is good with pain, so he doesn’t complain much. 

My husband Joe planted 100 sweet onion plants on Saturday and also some radishes. We would like to get some potatoes, lettuce, and peas in the ground as well. Verena’s special friend Daniel Ray tilled our garden and the garden beds for us on Saturday. Lovina’s special friend Daniel was also here helping with the new pole barn. It is ready for cement now.

Our plans are to set the tables for their wedding in the new pole barn. The wedding services will be held in the other pole barn, so everything will be here on our farm. 

Daniel and Lovina are planting their garden too, so they will have plenty of vegetables to use after they are married. I want to can some rhubarb juice for us and them. They are excited to start their life together as one.  

May God always be their guide. We will miss Lovina when she moves out, but we look at it as gaining another son. Daniel is a nice loving and respectful man, and we welcome him into our family. 

Brother Albert was released from the hospital and is still very weak from the surgery. I would like to go visit him soon. I wanted to give him time to adjust being home. It sounds like he has had a lot of visitors. I hope he gets plenty of rest and doesn’t overdo it. Although visitors mean well, it is sometimes good to check with the patient to see if they are up for visiting. 

Albert’s son-in-law (their oldest daughter Elizabeth’s husband) Amos is in a hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana. He has also been diagnosed with cancer. He is 43 years old. Our thoughts and prayers are with both families as they are going through these trials. May God comfort and heal them. Thank you for all the prayers! God’s blessings to all!

Asparagus Egg Scramble

1 dozen eggs

seasoned salt and pepper, or your preferred seasonings to taste

2 cups diced asparagus, cooked until tender

1 pound bacon, fried and crumbled

1/2 cup mushrooms, canned or fresh

3 ounces shredded cheese or soft cheese (like Velveeta)

In a bowl, add seasonings to eggs and beat lightly. Transfer to a skillet with a small amount of bacon grease and scramble the eggs until just set. Add asparagus, bacon, and mushrooms. Cook until eggs are done. Take off heat and stir in cheese; cover until cheese is melted. 

Lovina’s Amish Kitchen is written by Lovina Eicher, Old Order Amish writer, cook, wife, and mother of eight. Her two cookbooks, The Essential Amish Cookbook and Amish Family Recipes, are available wherever books are sold. Readers can write to Eicher at Lovina’s Amish Kitchen, PO Box 234, Sturgis, MI 49091 (please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for a reply); or email [email protected] and your message will be passed on to her to read. She does not personally respond to emails.


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