Roasted Pumpkin Seeds


Here’s how to enjoy those pumkin seeds.  

  1. Start with 2 cups of pumpkin seeds.  You can also use any winter squash, like acorn squash, spaghetti squash, butternut, delicate, Hubbard, etc.
  2. Soak seeds in water for about 8 hours.  This makes the seeds easier to eat and with less sharp pieces.  Drain well and use a dishtowel to dry the seeds the best you can.  Seeds will stick to the towel, but you can pick them off.
  3. Preheat oven to 250 degrees F.  This will keep from burning the seeds.
  4. Mix seeds with 1 1/2T of melted butter and 1 1/2T of Worcestershire sauce.
  5. Sprinkle liberally with salt.  NOTE: You can also try Seasoning Salt, chili powder, chipotle seasoning, paprkika, or your favorite spices.
  6. Spread seeds in an even layer in a jelly roll pan.  Place in oven.
  7. Bake for one hour, stirring a couple of times.
  8. Store pumpkin seeds in an airtight container.

recipe provided by Wisconsin Fresh Market Vegetable Growers Association


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