Roast Chicken With Homemade Stuffing


This is one of the easiest meals I make. Really – it is! Don’t let the sight of a naked chicken scare you. Also, price per pound, whole chicken is very inexpensive. So let’s go.

Here’s the recipe:

Prep Time: 20 Min. Cook Time: 2 hrs Difficulty: Easy Servings:6


  • 1 whole chicken
  • 3-4 slices of bread (Italian or French bread are best, but regular bread will work too )
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 tablespoons diced onion
  • 1 stick of melted butter
  • ¼ cup water
  • salt and pepper to taste

1 oven bag ( I use Reynolds)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Remove whatever stuff you find inside the chicken. I don’t use the giblets or neck, so I throw it away, but if you have a use for it, save it for later. Rinse chicken in cool water in the sink and let drain. Meanwhile, make the stuffing. Cube the bread. Italian or French bread or any heavy bread works best, but you can use regular sandwich bread too.  Put the cubed bread in a medium bowl . Add the onion.

Whisk together the eggs,

add water – I guessed at the amount as I was in a hurry, and pour over the bread.

Add ½ of the melted butter, Stir gently until well combined. Then add salt and pepper to taste.

Take the chicken out of the sink and put on a large plate. Blot dry with paper towels.  Spoon the stuffing into the chicken, pressing gently to pack it in there, but not too firmly. I didn’t get any pics of the stuffing process as it’s a 2 handed job, and the chicken was embarrassed. After it is stuffed, it looks like this.

Brush the remaining butter all over the chicken, and then salt and pepper to taste.

Here’s the secret to moist tender chicken – I use a Reynold’s Oven Bag.  (No plug intended here, it’s the only one our local store carries.)  Put a few tablespoons of flour in the bag and shake it up to coat the bag, then dump out the excess. Lay the bag in a casserole dish or roasting pan large enough so the chicken won’t touch the sides of the pan. Roll the top of the bag back some to allow easy entry of the bird into the bag.

Place the chicken in the bag.

Unroll the top of the bag over the chicken, gather the open end, and close with the oven bag fastener.

Snip a few holes in the bag per the bag instructions.

Tuck the corners and end of the bag down into the pan. And it’s ready for the oven.

Place the pan in a 350 degree oven for 2 – 2 ½ hours until nice and brown.  Snip the bag open with scissors, and serve.

Source: Window On The Prairie


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