Peanut Butter And Chocolate Pudding Cake


How would you like to be able to throw some ingredients together in a pan, toss it in the oven, and when it’s done, you have both cake and pudding – in the same pan? Impossible you say? Well, check your skepticism at the door and pull up  a chair.



½ cup flour

¼ cup sugar

¾ teaspoon baking powder

1/3 cup milk

1 tbsp cooking oil

½ teaspoon vanilla

¼ cup peanut butter


½ cup sugar

3 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder

1 cup boiling water

Prep Time: 15 Minutes  |  Cook Time: 30 Minutes   |  Servings: 4

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

In a mixing bowl combine flour,

1/4 cup sugar,

and baking powder.

Mix well.

Then add the milk,


and vanilla.

Mix until smooth.

Then stir in peanut butter.

Spread into an even layer in a 1 & 1/2 quart casserole dish.

In the same mixing bowl stir together the cocoa powder,

and 1/2 cup sugar.

Add the boiling water and mix well.

Pour over the batter in the casserole dish.

And it’s ready for the oven.

After it’s been in the oven for a while, the cake will float to the surface, and the liquid will go to the bottom of the pan.

Bake for about 30 minutes, or until toothpick inserted into cake comes out clean.  When it is done, there is a layer of cake nestled atop a warm layer of pudding.

Serve warm with ice cream, fudge sauce, or whipped cream.  I opted for the whipped cream.

Oh holy cow.


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