Midnight Delivers Her First Foal


This column will wrap it up for June 2023. Another month down in history. What did I accomplish? Not nearly as much as I had anticipated. Life gets so busy but let us take time from our busy lives and remember to thank God for the many blessings he bestows upon us. Our great and loving Creator and Comforter!

It’s 6:30 a.m. and a foggy morning. We received a half inch of much-needed rain. The grass was brown and is looking greener already. It has been very hazy this last while. They say it is from the Canadian wildfires. The sun looks so red at sunset from the smoke. I hope they will get the fire under control soon and that everyone will be safe. 

After I get done with this column, I want to go get some rhubarb in. Daughter Lovina mixed up a batch of monster cookies yesterday and is getting ready to bake those. I want to bake some pies. 

Next week is already the Fourth of July. 

Our horse Midnight had a little colt on June 22. He is a nice lively one with three white feet and one black. Midnight is a good mother and very protective of her foal! This is the first foal she delivered, so we were very thankful everything went well for her. 

Son Benjamin is training his two-year-old horse, which is the daughter of his other horse Beauty. He named her Star since she has a little white spot on her head. We can’t use Midnight until she can be away from nursing her colt, so Benjamin let Joe and I use his horse Beauty to go to church Sunday. Beauty is a good horse and has put in many miles. Midnight and Beauty are half-sisters on one side and also related on their mom’s side. They were born a month apart here on our farm in 2015. I love watching the little foals run in the field. This little one has very long legs. 

Sunday church services were held at the house of daughter Verena’s neighbors. After lunch, our whole family, sister Emma’s whole family, and sister Verena all spent the afternoon at daughter Verena’s house. Verena made popcorn and set out snacks for us all. It was enjoyable. 

Grace and Daniel (Joseph and Lovina’s special friends) were our supper guests. I made BLTs for supper, but I also fried eggs to go with that. I fry the egg until the yolk isn’t runny so it can be put in the BLT sandwich. 

Last Thursday, Ervin and Susan and I cleared out everything from the upstairs bedroom at daughter Verena’s house. Ervin took it all over to their place. Verena made lunch for us so we could keep working. They are so relieved that it is now all at their place to sort through. It all takes time. 

Michael and Rose Ellen had a nice wedding day. Their menu included dinner rolls, strawberry butter, mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, grilled chicken, salad, peanut butter pie, pecan pie, fresh fruit mixture, and candy bars. I will share a recipe for strawberry butter, although I’m not sure this is the recipe they used at the wedding. 

God bless!

Strawberry Butter 

6 large fresh strawberries (stems removed and room temperature)

1 cup butter (softened)

3/4 cup powdered sugar

Chop strawberries, then add butter and powdered sugar and blend well. If needed, add more powdered sugar to reach the desired spreading consistency and sweetness. 

Lovina’s Amish Kitchen is written by Lovina Eicher, Old Order Amish writer, cook, wife, and mother of eight. Her newest cookbook, Amish Family Recipes, is available wherever books are sold. Readers can write to Eicher at Lovina’s Amish Kitchen, PO Box 234, Sturgis, MI 49091 (please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for a reply); or email [email protected] and your message will be passed on to her to read. She does not personally respond to emails.

Contact: [email protected];   


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