Golden Chiffon Cake


By: Susan Jackson, County Extension Agent, Family & Consumer Science

Yes, the fair does bring back many memories. I am from a family of four girls. One sister is 14 months older than I. The other two are 3 and 6 years younger. So it was a struggle for mom to balance my older sister and my 4-H activities and care for the younger sisters. Managing the oven meant sharing and scheduling baking time. Grandma lived 2 miles from us and let us use her freezer so we could bake early which helped.


Although it did not seem to create any problems for my father, I am sure it did. He carried on with his farming. He enjoyed the extra “goodies”, as he called them and always ask, “Did you bake any goodies today “, at the end of a meal. When we ask for his evaluation of the product we had baked for the fair he would say, “You better bake another one and we will eat this one”.


4-H families put a great deal into 4-H activities and especially the fair. Samantha Simoneau baked a Golden Chiffon Cake and won a sweepstake ribbon.   Congratulations, Samantha.


Golden Chiffon Cake

7 eggs

2 1/2 cups sifted cake flour

1 ½ cups sugar

1 Tbls baking powder

½ cup cooking oil

2 tsp grated lemon peel

1 tsp vanilla

½ tsp cream of tarter

1 tsp salt


Preheat oven to 325 degrees




Separate egg yolks from whites. In large bowl sift together cake flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Make well in center. Add oil, egg yolks, peel, vanilla, and ¾ cup of cold water. Beat at low speed till combined, then on high speed for 5 minutes. Thoroughly wash beaters. In large bowl combine egg whites and cream of tartar. Beat till stiff peaks form. Pour batter over egg whites, fold gently by hand. Pour into a 10 inch tube pan, ungreased. Bake for 65 to 70 minutes. Invert, cool completely. Loosen cake from pan and remove.   ENJOY !


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