Eicher Family Celebrates More Birthdays and Weddings


Son Joseph’s 21st birthday was yesterday. Joseph and his special friend Grace, daughter Verena, and son Benjamin went out to eat in honor of his birthday. We couldn’t have a birthday supper here as I ended up at the ER with son Kevin, 17. 

Kevin fell when getting up from his mobility scooter and fell face-first on cement. He had a big cut on his eyebrow. The doctor did a great job in putting in nine stitches. He has a sore eye from it. 

Saturday was the wedding day of nephew Menno and Diane. Joe and I were unable to attend, but some of our children did. Sons Benjamin, Joseph, and Kevin, daughter Lovina, Daniel and Grace (Lovina and Joseph’s special friends), and nephew Henry had an Amish driver take them to the wedding in Clare, Michigan. It was almost three hours north from here. They started out around 6 a.m. and arrived back home at 6 p.m. 

Church services were at our neighbors Levi and Leah’s on Sunday. It was held under a tent, and when it started raining, it was a challenge to keep the rain drained off the roof of the tent. We are glad for the much-needed rain, even if it wasn’t when we would have wanted it to come. After so much dryness earlier this year, we will gladly take the rain. The grass looks so much greener now. 

I don’t often see cousin Esther and cousin Johnny, but they were both in church Sunday. Brings back memories of years ago, when we were all in the same church growing up. Life has brought so many changes. 

Joe and I were invited back for supper at Levi and Leah’s. They had grilled chicken, potato casserole, various salads, and desserts. A delicious supper!

Those assisting daughter Tim and Elizabeth recently in preparations to host church services in two weeks were: Joe and me, daughter Susan and Ervin and children Kaitlyn, 6, Jennifer, 5, Isaiah, 5, Ryan, 3, and Curtis, 3, daughter Loretta, Dustin, and son Denzel. Lots of jobs were accomplished. 

Son Joseph and daughter Lovina will have Class 7 in baptismal instructions at Tim and Elizabeth’s church services. Our children need encouragement and our daily prayers. May God always be their guide as we travel into the unknown future. 

This coming Thursday, plans are to go help daughter Elizabeth again. Those also going (Lord willing) are sisters Verena and Emma, niece Elizabeth, niece Emma and children, nephew Benjamin’s wife Crystal and son, daughters Susan and children, Verena, and Loretta and son. We should be able to get a lot accomplished for Elizabeth. It is always just enjoyable to be together for a day. 

Thursday (July 27) will also be grandson Ryan’s fourth birthday and niece Emma’s son Menno’s third birthday. Daughter Lovina plans to bake a cake for them to have with lunch while we are there at Tim and Elizabeth’s house.

We are getting lots of goodies from our gardens. It is so easy to make a meal. Tonight we will have sweet corn, tomatoes, cucumber salad, and fried chicken. 

Last week Lovina and I made meals for the neighbors who had new babies in the past six months. There have been four little girls born within a half-mile from here since December. I’m sure the young mothers were glad for a meal brought in. Lovina made cakes to send along to each family. She enjoys decorating cakes.

God’s blessings to all!

Chocolate Cake

3 cups all purpose-flour

2 cups granulated sugar

1 cup cocoa powder

2 teaspoons baking soda

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 cup sour cream or buttermilk

1 cup shortening

2 eggs, beaten

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cup boiling water

Mix together flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda, and baking powder. In another large bowl, cream together sour cream and shortening. Mix in eggs and vanilla. 

Mix flour mixture into sour cream mixture, then stir in boiling water. Pour into a greased 10 x 15-inch jellyroll pan and bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 30–40 minutes.  

Lovina’s Amish Kitchen is written by Lovina Eicher, Old Order Amish writer, cook, wife, and mother of eight. Her newest cookbook, Amish Family Recipes, is available wherever books are sold. Readers can write to Eicher at Lovina’s Amish Kitchen, PO Box 234, Sturgis, MI 49091 (please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for a reply); or email [email protected] and your message will be passed on to her to read. She does not personally respond to emails.


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