Cast-Iron Skillet Pizza


Recipe courtesy of Chef Mary Ann Esposito

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 20 minutes

Makes: Two 9- to 10-inch pizzas


1          pound store-bought pizza dough, at room temperature

1          ripe tomato, thinly sliced

1/4       pound fresh mozzarella cheese, diced

coarse sea salt

2          tablespoons Filippo Berio Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1/2       cup shredded fresh basil


Heat well-oiled cast-iron or nonstick 10- or 12-inch frying pan over medium heat 5 minutes.


Divide dough in half; roll one half into round 1 inch smaller than diameter of pan. Cook dough in hot pan until dough begins to rise and bottom starts to brown. Using metal spatula, turn carefully. Layer half the tomato slices over dough; scatter half the mozzarella over top. Lower heat to medium-low; cook until mozzarella melts.


Using metal spatula, transfer pizza to cutting board. Sprinkle with salt; drizzle with half the

olive oil. Cut into wedges; sprinkle half the basil over top.


Repeat with remaining ingredients.


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