Bread and Butter Pickles


by Debbie Dance Uhrig

Yield: Approximately 14-16 pints

1 peck of pickling cucumbers

(This is between 8 – 9 pounds of pickles.)

14-16 pint jars, sterilized

14-16 flats and rings

Vinegar Base

7 cups white vinegar

7 cups white granulated sugar

4 tablespoons pickling salt

3/4 teaspoon turmeric

1 teaspoon ground celery seed or regular celery seed

In each jar place the following:

1/2 teaspoon mustard seed

1/2 teaspoon dry onion flakes

1 garlic clove

2-3 yellow or red peppers, cleaned and cut into thin pieces to add when packing the jars.


Wash all pickles scrubbing off the prickly nubs, drain on tea towel.

Place lid flats in a saucepan pan of cold water totally covering the lids.

Slice cucumbers 1/4 inch thick or as thin as you can, for sandwiches, of course!

Assemble jars on a jelly roll pan and place the mustard seed, onion flakes and garlic clove in the bottom of the jar. Begin packing the sliced cucumbers in the jars watching for gaps. Add 2-3 pieces or more of pepper for additional color in the jar.

Now prepare the white vinegar, granulated sugar, pickling salt, turmeric and celery seed into a large pot. Stir well to begin dissolving. Turn burner to medium heat and boil the solution for 5 minutes, using a measuring cup & funnel pour mixture over the jars of cucumbers. Have a damp lint-free towel ready to wipe the rims clean after filling. At the same time as you begin to fill the jars turn the saucepan of flats to medium heat and bring to a boil. Using a clean dry lint-free towel remove a flat from the boiling water, dry and attach to each jar tightening down with the jar ring.

Prepare 2-3 large stock pans with warm water for the water bath. Sit 6-7 (usually) jars in the water making sure the water goes about one inch over the top of the jars. Bring the canning jars to a hard boil for six minutes. Using canning tongs remove from the water and set back on a clean jelly roll pan. Cover with a towel while cooling.

I place the mustard seed, garlic and onion flakes in each individual jar because it guarantees an even distribution of spices that could easily cluster if placed inside the vinegar solution. Do not use table salt for canning as it turns the liquid cloudy. It is perfectly fine to place thinly sliced onion into the jars with the cucumbers if you desire to do so.


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