Raymond Bott Realty & Auction
Farm Machinery, Household, Antiques for Robert & Annette Harlan
Farm Machinery, Household, Antiques for Robert & Annette Harlan
160 Acres of Washington, Kansas Land
160 Acres of Washington, Kansas Land
146 Acres of Washington, Kansas Land
146 Acres of Washington, Kansas Land
160 Acres of Washington County.
160 Acres of Washington County.
Household Auction
10/27/24 Household Auction @ 10AM. Sellers: Lavern & Sue Meyeroff, 107 North Pine Street, Linn, KS. bottrealtyauction.com Raymond Bott Realty & Auction
Vehicles, Old Tractors, Tools, Collectibles, Household.
11/02/24 Auction: Vehicles, Old Tractors, Tools, Collectibles, Household. Sellers: The Joanna Rippe Trust. Location: At the farm, 1355 9th Road, Linn, Kansas. bottrealtyauction.combo Raymond Bott Realty & Auction
314 Acres Washington County KS
11/02/24 Land Auction: 314 Acres Washington County KS Land. Sellers: The Joanna Rippe Trust. Location: At the farm, 1355 9th Road, Linn, Kansas. bottrealtyauction.com Raymond Bott Realty & Auction
12-28-2024 FARM AUCTION for The Heirs of Paul Jueneman, Location: At the farm, 2422 Sunflower Road, Washington, Kansas bottrealtyauction.com Raymond Bott Realty & Auction*