Northwest Kansas Extension 4-H offers day camps



Youth benefit from the life lessons gained through the experience

MANHATTAN, Kan. – For many, summer childhood memories include time with friends at camp. And those connected to 4-H may remember days spent at Rock Springs Ranch riding horses, shooting archery, swimming, or learning a craft. For some, their first experience may have been a local day camp.

“Through the day camps we are able to help kids explore many project areas and gain life skills,” said Robin Trussel, 4-H youth development agent in the Walnut Creek District. These camps are offered in both the summer and winter when the students are on breaks.

In the Walnut Creek District, which includes Lane, Ness and Rush counties, the campers have been focused on STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) activities.

“The STEM activities make the camps both educational and fun,” said Patsy Maddy, 4-H youth development agent in the Twin Creeks District, encompassing Decatur, Graham, Norton and Sheridan counties.

She said some of the activities include bread-baking, robotics and agricultural education.

“These camps also give our older 4-H members the opportunity to plan and lead these events,” said Maddy.

In addition, these educational experiences are made available to others.

“Through these opportunities we are able to reach local youth in the community as well as underserved audiences,” Maddy said.

These day camps are made possible through the financial support of the Dane G. Hansen Foundation said Diane Mack, Kansas 4-H youth development specialist for Northeast Kansas.

“The focus of the foundation is to make communities of Northwest Kansas a better place to live,” said Mack. She added that in much the same way, the guiding principle of the Kansas 4-H program is to help develop youth through service and leadership in their local communities.

To learn more about the camp opportunities contact your local extension agent. More information about Kansas 4-H activities is also available online.

FOR PRINT PUBLICATIONS: Links used in this story
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K State Research and Extension is a short name for the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service, a program designed to generate and distribute useful knowledge for the well being of Kansans. Supported by county, state, federal and private funds, the program has county Extension offices, experiment fields, area Extension offices and regional research centers statewide. Its headquarters is on the K State campus in Manhattan.

Story by:
Lisa Moser
[email protected]

Diane Mack
[email protected]

Patsy Maddy
[email protected]

Robyn Trussel
[email protected]


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