Vilsack sounds reassuring on meat’s role in dietary guidelines


photo credit: Kansas Meatloaf

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack told the House Agriculture Committee on Wednesday said he did not expect the 2015 Dietary Guidelines to make any big changes regarding meat, according to the Food and Environment Reporting Network’s Ag Insider.

Ag Insider quoted Vilsack as saying in response to a question, “I would be surprised if the recommendations on meat were fundamentally different than they have been.”

His comments follow a Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee meeting in December during which “lean meat” was taken off a list of common components of dietary patterns associated with positive health outcomes while “moderate intake of alcohol” was left on the list.

While the advisory committee is expected to make its recommendations soon, Vilsack and Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Matthews Burwell are expected to make the final decisions and issue the new guidelines in the fourth quarter of this year.


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