Tips for Staying Active in the New Year


By: Susan Jackson, County Extension Agent, Family & Consumer ScienceI hope your holidays exceeded your expectations for time spent with family and friends and for time to rejuvenate.
Following the holidays we think of getting back on track and making New Year’s resolutions. Goals should be specific and measurable. For an example, planning to walk 30 minutes 3 days a week is more effective than planning to walk more. Goals should also be smart and attainable. Starting a walking program with a goal of walking one hour a day every day may not be smart or possible. Be realistic!

Time bound goal are more effective. An example is to set a goal for 8 weeks (like Walk Kansas) and then evaluate at the end of the time period. You may decide to walk more or include another type of exercise. The commitment for a certain period of time helps keep you moving forward and a time to evaluate your progress.

I do not know about you but for my husband and I it is difficult to keep up an exercise plan during this cold weather. Here are some tips from Iowa University to help you stay active during cold weather.
1. It’s a shoe-in. As much as you can, wear running or comfortable walking shoes so you can get moving whenever there is an opportunity. Pop a casserole in the oven and head out the door for a walk or jog while it is baking. Park farther away and walk to your destination. Walk the mall before you shop the mall.

2. Take the stairs. In one minute, a 150 pound person burns approximately 10 calories walking upstairs and only 1.5 calories riding an elevator, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (1). Remember this quote by Joan Welsch and take the stairs, A man’ s health can be judged by which he takes two at a time pills or stairs.

3. Work out with your mobile device. Download an app(s) or video(s) for your mobile device (iPad, iPhone, etc.) or watch an online video that will help you get moving. Some of these may be especially helpful when you are traveling and staying in a hotel or with friends. Avoid workouts with lots of noisy activity that can bring management to your hotel door. Use your favorite search engine or check with the app store for your mobile device to find apps and videos that inspire you.

4. Find new trails and tracks.

5. Variety will prevent boredom.
6. Try some tempting tunes. If you like to work out to music, gift yourself with some new tunes to get motivated. Or you could put together your own playlist. Check your favorite music source site for possible motivation.

7. Clean your house. Set aside several hours one day and REALLY clean your house. Bending, squatting, running up and down stairs, standing while folding and putting away laundry, etc. all burn calories. Get workouts the old- fashioned way ¦ by working.

8. Build activity into family visits and outings. Encourage house guests to bring workout clothes suitable for walking or perhaps activities at a local health club.
(1) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Healthier Worksite Initiative


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