The Fourth H


This week I want to highlight the fourth “H” in 4-H, health! In 4-H we pledge our health to better living. Healthy choices are always easier to make when you have a strong support system. Try these tips with your family to get healthy together!

  1. Make meal time a family activity.

My nieces and nephews love to mix up ingredients and set the table. Make meal time an activity for the whole family buy planning, shopping, and cooking together. My Plate guidelines will help to incorporate ingredients from all of the food groups!

  1. Get active together.

Plan times throughout the week when your family can exercise together. For example, reserve one day a week for an exercise class or family bike ride. Try something new, like Zumba or training for a 5K–it’s a great way to bond and work out!

  1. Turn off the TV.

Limit screen time. I’ll admit, sometimes it’s easy scroll through Pinterest or start something new on Netflix, and before you know it an hour has passed! An easy way to accomplish this is to have a schedule “screen time” for watching TV or browsing the internet and then set a timer. Decide as a family how much time to spend per day in front of the TV, computer or phone. For my family, two hours is a good limit.

  1. Snack healthier.

If you are like me, a good snack can be your saving grace in between regular meal times. Keep a variety of snacks on hand, such as fresh fruit, vegetables, whole-grain cereals and crackers. Snacks should provide nutrients and energy, which are essential for active, growing children.

  1. Get active with chores.

Chores are not fun when you are working alone, so turn them into a game that you can all do together! Make your chores a race to see who can get done first! Try playing music while you are doing the dishes or pick up so that you sing or bust a move while getting things done.


Aline Bandeira

Office Professional

K-State Research and Extension, Harvey County

Courthouse, PO Box 583, Newton, KS 67114-0583

Phone: 316-284-6930

Fax: 316-283-6183




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