Teaching Any Dog New Tricks


In December, my sister’s Australian Shepherd had five puppies. These little pups are adorable and have been entertaining to watch grow and explore their home. Now that the puppies are a little bigger, they are literally bouncing around the house. The puppies could use some manners, if you know what I mean. Maybe you don’t have five new puppies, but if you have a dog at home that could use a few new tricks, the Harvey County 4-H Dog Care and Training Project has you covered!

In this project, 4-H members learn to train a dog for agility, obedience, showmanship or as an ideal pet. Participants learn about canine behavior, breed characteristics, diseases, ethics, grooming, health, nutrition, responsible breeding, service dogs, therapy dogs, dog-related careers, and the wide array of dog sports. 4-H’ers can also choose to compete in the 4-H county or state dog show.

This project is for youth ages 7-18 (by Jan. 1, 2017) who are interested in learning more about dogs, how to care for a dog and how to train a dog in basic or advanced commands. The public is invited to come to the spring and summer dog shows that are hosted at the fairgrounds in Newton.

For more information about the Harvey County 4-H Dog Project or how to join Harvey County 4-H, contact Hannah at the Harvey County Extension Office.



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