Summertime and the Grilling is Easy


Tips and tricks to make your grill sizzle


(Family Features) If the idea of longer, warmer days has you reaching for the tongs, it’s time to get your grilling game on before the season is in full swing.


Serving family and friends the most mouth-watering grilled entrees with ease requires a little know-how and a few crowd-pleasing recipes. From versatile chicken to hearty ribs to tender seafood, it’s never been more fun to incorporate new flavors into grilled cuisine.


For the best results on the grill, keep these tips in mind:

  • A grill is not an oven, so don’t walk away from it when it’s on. Organize what you’ll need ahead of time; no running back and forth.
  • Always scrape hot grill grates clean with a wire brush so food will release more easily. Before cooking, try using tongs to dip paper towels lightly into oil and swipe over the grates.
  • If the meat or skin sticks, it’s not ready to be turned. Let it sit for another minute or two.
  • Try chicken thighs, which have a deeper, richer flavor than breast meat.
  • The pork tenderloin can withstand the dry heat of the grill and stay moist.
  • Salmon, tuna and swordfish steaks grill well because they are thick and crumble less than other types of fish.
  • A safe inside temperature for ground beef is 160°F; medium steaks is 140°F. Heat poultry to 165°F and whole cuts like breasts to 170°F. Medium pork should be 150°F. Seafood should be 145°F.
  • For maximum flavor and juiciness, let meat rest 5-10 minutes before cutting or serving.


Another tasty grilling tip is to add flavor with sauce. These recipes all feature Musselman’s Apple Butter – a delicious way to add excitement to your standard summer fare. For more recipes, visit



Molasses Apple Butter BBQ Sauce for Chicken

Servings: 4

For up to 2 pounds of chicken


1/2       cup Musselman’s Apple Butter

1/4       cup molasses

1/2       teaspoon ground ginger

1/2       teaspoon salt

1/4       teaspoon pepper


Mix all ingredients in medium bowl. Brush sauce over chicken in the final 5 minutes of grilling. Additional sauce can be served at the table.



Citrus Apple Butter Glaze for Seafood

Servings: 4

For up to 4 fish fillets or 2 pounds of shrimp


1/2       cup Musselman’s Apple Butter

2          tablespoons orange juice

2          tablespoons lime juice


Mix all ingredients in medium bowl. Cook one side of seafood (skin side down). Brush glaze generously on top. Flip seafood and cook until done. Discard any remaining sauce.



Asian Apple Butter Grilling Sauce for Pork

Servings: 4

For up to 2 pounds of pork tenderloin or ribs


1/2       cup Musselman’s Apple Butter

1/4       cup Musselman’s Apple Cider Vinegar

1/4       cup water

2          tablespoons honey

3          cloves garlic, minced

1          teaspoon ground ginger

1/4       teaspoon salt

1/8       teaspoon pepper


Mix all ingredients in medium bowl. Lightly brush or mop sauce over pork during entire grilling time, so sauce slowly cooks into pork. Discard any remaining sauce.

Source: Lucky Leaf/Musselman’s


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