Sour Cream Cornbread


Recently on a visit to an antique store, my wonderful hubby bought me this old cookbook.

It was published in 1954 by the Culinary Arts Institute, “One of america’s foremost organizations devoted to the science of better cookery”.

Hey, I’m all for better “cookery” and I love making any kind of bread. Let’s see… there are so many recipes to choose from:

Most of the pictures in the book are in black and white.

And all the captions for the pictures have catchy little rhymes like this one:

“A twist of the wrist and a clever server,

it’s a Swedish tea ring that folks forget never. “

or this one:

“Citron buns add zest to any meal,

and their flavor is as good as their appeal.”

Oh. My…. Shakespeare this isn’t.

Anyway, I finally decided to make the sour cream cornbread recipe. Believe it or not, I’ve never made cornbread because my Mom’s was dry and crumbly. (Sorry Mom.)  But this recipe calls for sour cream which is supposed to make it moist. So I made it and found that it WAS moist and didn’t crumble apart when I cut a piece.

And –  it was very tasty too!  I had mine with melted butter and honey. Harland had his with butter and molasses. Mmmmmm…..

Here’s the recipe:



  • 2 cups corn meal
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 cups sour cream

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In a medium mixing bowl add all dry ingredients

and mix well.

Beat eggs in a small bowl

and add to dry mixture. Add sour cream.

Stir until well combined.

Pour batter into a greased 8 X 8 inch pan and spread evenly into the corners.

Check out this vintage Fire King pan I recently bought.

Love the little floral decoration. The pattern is called Primrose.

Anyway, bake about 30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.



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