Roger’s View From The Hills: January Musings


                  EXPERT ADVICE.”
                                                  Random Thoughts
          I have had many people who ask me “how I can come up with ideas to write about on a regular basis?”  It is not always an easy thing to come up with a good answer for.  I can only establish the rottenness of the political class so many times without people throwing up their hands and run screaming.  Some do anyway.
     Can it be the mood I am in?  That does not sustain a readable line for very long.  However mood does play a part.  For example:  I have a doctor who actually talks with me and not at me, as a result I am spending more time in new places trying to figure out how I can get back some of what is missing from my spunk.  Trying to find out where my get up and go got up and went.
      After answering the latest repeat of my health history and getting the question “do you feel depressed” seven different ways, you might say my mood is not sterling.  While my arm aches from the attempts to draw blood gases, the news on all stations is all reporters standing in snow, windy, blizzard saying stay inside.  The view outside my window are varying shades of gray.   You might say the mood is not rosy.
     My computer is doing very strange things like it is trying to edit my thoughts.  You could say my mood is not good.  There could be other things also.  Just as the pronouncement of the Emperor (aren’t you proud I did not call him Der Fuhrer this time) that the economy is wonderful and employment is at an all time high. Our local economy has just suffered the loss of a couple companies and others are laying off workers.  This puts a whole new pressure on everything from the retailers, schools, tax base, and where the new jobs are going to be found?
     Then there are the communities that just received the news that the Wal Mart store that moved in is moving out.  Or St. John getting word from Cincinnati that they will no longer have a grocery store.  This could put strain on a mood.
     Rest assured that the two parties will be battling each other in a decidedly distasteful way for the next few months.  It is a wonder that anyone can be in a good mood.
     Well I am going to do the American thing of watching the playoffs and hoping the Super Bowl is worth watching.  I am not in worry of where my next meal is coming from.  The electricity is on and I am semi-warm.  I do not have to get out of the house for anything other than going to church.  I am reading a good book.  So I must be in a good mood.  Don’t ya think?


  1. Roger, I think it sounds like you are dealing with the winter “blaaaas” that hit us all as the gloomy, cloudy, and cold winter sets in around us. Sometimes waking up alive is the high point of the day it seems, but other times, there are so many blessings and so much beauty around us that we must pause and just say “Thank you God!”. You have so many blessings to count, and when I start feeling so tired, hurting, and upset that I can’t get this last 80 lbs off, I stop and start being grateful. I was facing foot surgery, and six months on crutches and in casts – to stop the agonizing pain in my feet from the arthritis and bad joints. Walking was something I did as little of as I had to, and I hated it. My Mom had heart surgery, and while my team roping sister was here from Cimmaron, she told me about her Justin boots with J-Flex and how amazing they were for her feet. Hmm. I ordered a pair of George Strait, waterproof boots with J-Flex. Got them a little over three weeks ago, and not a foot pain since!!! Never would have believed it possible. So, even though I had to stand for four hours two Saturdays in a row to do demos at health food stores, my feet are doing good.
    I have found a nutrition program that is giving me back energy I have not had for a very long time, and I while I am wishing I could just sleep in and read a book some days, I am grateful that I have a job and can use it to help several family members in hard times right now.
    As well as support our church and some charities I believe in.
    As to the politics, It seems like it gets more and more corrupt and obscene in the abuse of seniors and money. Martial law changes were snuck thru in a bill recently, so I don’t think the election will matter much. The King does not intend to give up the throne, and I will not be surprised if he declares martial law so he can stay in power forever. I guess that is saying that nothing dishonest, corrupt, greedy, and evil that the government can do now will surprise me much anymore. Sad comment on the times. I am so old I can actually remember when this country was the most powerful and respected in the world. When WE were the ones loaning money to other countries. Our budget was balanced, and we had a surplus. Social Security was not to be touched by the government; families were intact and had morals, decency, and values. People of all colors worked and lived together in peace, after the time of integration in the 50’s. People worked hard, earned a living, and living off “the dole/welfare” was considered disgraceful and should only happen in extreme circumstances of need. Now I read there are 11 states where more people live on welfare than work at a job. No longer a disgrace, it is a way of life. I was born in 1947, so I have seen many decades of changes. I fear for the world my grandkids and great-grandkids are growing up in. There is more hatred, anger, greed, corruption, and racism now than there was 8 yrs ago! Martin Luther King would be horrified to see what has become of what he began. I never thought I would see the day it was ok in America to publicly stomp on and burn the flag. Too many good people fought and died for that symbol of freedom.
    Well, now I am feeling as down as you! lol Blessed is better. Counting those today, and praying for a better time in this country to come. Going to take a miracle for sure!!


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