What’s Wild


A male (upper) and female (lower) Arctic grayling at Red Rock Creek, Montana by Jim Mogen/USFWS

A male (upper) and female (lower) Arctic Grayling at Red Rock Creek, Montana by Jim Mogen/USFWS

Celebrate Fish Migration Day and Earth Day

Spring is in the air… and water! As breeding and nesting season approaches, the sweet serenades of songbirds are becoming more melodious each day, with some birds returning north after migrating hundreds (or even thousands) of miles from their overwintering grounds. Monarch butterflies have also started their epic, multi-generational northern journey from Mexico to Canada. But while these airborne animals get the most attention, did you know many fish species migrate as well? It’s true – swimming and spawning season is a thing too!

Saturday, April 21 is World Fish Migration Day. It’s an exciting opportunity to discover the awesome odysseys that countless aquatic animals pursue. Fish health, of course, is linked to healthy habitats, in addition to water quality and quantity. Plus, fish provide important sources of sustenance for people across the United States and around the world, while also providing hours of enjoyable outdoor recreational opportunities.

Join the fishy fun by participating in an event near you, or visiting a local national wildlife refuge or national fish hatchery. Explore the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Fish Migration Station websiteto learn more about the importance of fish passages, aquatic habitat conservation, and species profiles for numerous and diverse native North American fishes! You may also consider participating in the event online using the hashtag #WorldFishMigrationDay.

Don’t let your celebration of fish and wildlife stop there: Sunday, April 22 is Earth Day! Participate in outdoor activities across the country and reconnect with nature in your own way. Apply eco-friendly actions and behaviors into your schedule each day. Together, we can each achieve our shared responsibility of protecting and sustainably managing the habitats, plants, and animals upon which we all depend for current and future generations.

For even more nature-inspired involvement, you can share conservation success stories by participating in the Smithsonian Institution’s 2018 Earth Optimism campaign, using the hashtags #EarthOptimism2018 and #ImAnEarthOptimistBecause.

Partnership Continues Conserving Fish and Wildlife Species in the Missouri River Basin

A pallid sturgeon by Ken Bouc/Nebraska Game and Parks Commission

A pallid sturgeon by Ken Bouc/Nebraska Game and Parks Commission

Missouri River Management Activities Will Not Jeopardize Endangered Species

Earlier this week, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issued a final biological opinion to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers concluding that populations of pallid sturgeon, interior least terns, and piping plovers would not be jeopardized by new management activities proposed by the Corps. Pallid sturgeon and other fish found in the Missouri River will continue their migrations along America’s longest river, as the Corps adjusts its in-river management activities. These activities include an adaptive management plan that will help biologists learn more about these native fish and wildlife species and their habitat requirements. Read our press release for the full story.

Did You Know?

A June sucker by June Sucker Recovery Implementation Program

2,000 Rare June Suckers Recently Tagged for Release into Utah River

Last month 2,000 June suckers were tagged by Utah Division of Wildlife Resources in preparation for release into Utah Lake. This rare native fish is only found in Utah Lake and its tributaries. Despite its name, the June sucker is surprisingly not a bottom feeder; it actually eats zooplankton in the center of the water column! Learn more about this unique western fish and ongoing collaborative conservation efforts among federal, state, and local organizations.

Photo: A June sucker by June Sucker Recovery Implementation Program


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