Treestand Safety Tips That Can Save Your Life


Treestand Safety Tips That Can Save Your LifePRATT – Hunting from elevated treestands can give hunters certain advantages over their quarry. Hunters have a better view of their surroundings, thermals may carry their scent above deer, and hunters are above a deer’s line of sight. However, hunting safely from a treestand requires some basic and important safety precautions.

Treestand falls are the most common injury accident among bowhunters, and unfortunately, injuries can be severe and even fatal. Most treestands are placed at least 15 feet high, and any fall may break bones. Here are some tips to keep you safe this deer season while hunting from a treestand.

• Avoid wooden, permanent stands nailed into trees. Wood rot and wind motion can quickly make these stands unsafe.

• Always use a full-body safety harness and lifeline while climbing up or down.

• Attach the safety harness to a short tether once you’re in the stand.

• Use a haul line to raise and lower your gear, bow or firearm.

• Always maintain three points of contact when climbing up or down.

• Hunt with a plan and ensure someone knows where your treestands are located and which stand you are hunting from.

• Carry a cellphone or other communication device so you can call someone if you’re injured.

Hunting is one of the safest outdoor activities when you consider the millions of hunter-days recorded each year. Last year in Kansas, with more than 5 million hunter-days recorded, just 13 hunting-related incidents and three treestand incidents were reported.

By following these basic safety practices, you can prevent injuries and ensure your hunting season is incident-free.


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