Teal season on its way


Birds are arriving, hunting seasons are beginning, and temperatures will be cooling. It’s the makings of fall in Kansas and for duck hunters, the kickoff is marked by the start of teal season.

The 2015 teal season will begin with the Low Plains Zone, (anything east of U.S. Highway 283) Sept. 12-27, followed by the High Plains Zone (anything west of U.S. Highway 283) Sept. 19-27. The daily bag limit is six teal.

All hunters participating in teal season who are required to have a hunting license must also possess a Kansas HIP permit, $2.50, and State Waterfowl Permit, $7.00. All hunters 16 and older must have a Federal Waterfowl Stamp, $25, which can be purchased at your local U.S. Post Office and any Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism regional office.

According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s 2015 Trends in Duck Breeding Populations survey, blue-winged teal numbers have been estimated at 8.5 million, 73 percent above the long-term average, and green-winged teal at 4.1 million, 98 percent above the long-term average.

Opportunities will be plenty during the month of September, so purchase those permits early, double-check those waders, and grab a hunting partner.

For a list of public hunting areas near you, visit ksoutdoors.com/Hunting/Where-to-Hunt.


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