St. Francis’ Ward Cassidy Appointed To Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Commission


Gov. Sam Brownback has appointed Ward Cassidy, St. Francis, to the Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism’s Commission. Cassidy replaces Roger Marshall, Great Bend, whose term ended in June. Cassidy will serve a 4-year term.

Cassidy has resided in St. Francis since 1969, teaching for 11 years before serving as principal and counselor for 20 years. He coached high school basketball for seven years. Cassidy’s wife Gloria taught first grade for 38 years. The Cassidys have two daughters, both married and living in St. Francis. They have six grandchildren.

In 2010, Cassidy was elected to the Kansas House and represented District 120 for two terms. He did not seek re-election in 2014.

“I have been an avid hunter all my life, and one of my greatest pleasures is spending time with my grandchildren in the outdoors,” Cassidy said. “I am honored to represent northwest Kansas on the Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Commission.”

The Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) is advised by a non-partisan, seven-member commission. Commissioners are appointed by the governor and serve staggered 4-year terms. The Commission advises the KDWPT Secretary on planning and policy issues and approves regulations which are adopted and administered by the Secretary. Cassidy will join commissioners Chairman Gerald Lauber, Topeka; Vice-Chairman Tom Dill, Salina; Aaron Rider, Columbus; Gary Hayzlett, Lakin; and Harrison Williams, Wichita.


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