PRATT – While there were no Public Hearing items voted on, the Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Commission heard several general discussion items and potential future regulatory changes at its January 9, 2020 meeting in Iola. An update on the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism’s walleye telemetry study at Glen Elder Reservoir, the use of thermal imaging and night vision equipment while hunting furbearers, possession of Monk parakeets, 2020-2021 waterfowl seasons, an update on Chronic Wasting Disease, and Fort Riley deer seasons were among the general discussion topics presented.
Workshop topics – proposed regulation changes that may be voted on at a later date – included:
- Duck hunting zone boundaries
- The implementation of an early sandhill crane hunting season and zone
- 2020 Antelope season dates: Archery – Sept. 19-27 and Oct. 10-31; Muzzleloader – Sept. 28-Oct. 5; and Firearm – Oct. 2-5.
- 2020-2021 Elk season dates
- ON FORT RILEY: Muzzleloader and Archery – Sept. 1-30, 2020; Firearm – October 1- Dec. 31, 2020; and Firearm Antlerless – First Segment: Oct. 1-31, 2020; Second Segment: Nov. 1-31, 2020; and Third Segment: Dec. 1-31, 2020.
- OUTSIDE OF FORT RILEY: Muzzleloader – Sep. 1-30, 2020; Archery – Sept. 14-Dec. 31, 2020; and Firearm – August 1-31, 2020, Dec. 2-13, 2020, and Jan. 1-March 15, 2021.
- Allowing hunters to transport a quartered big game animal taken with an antlerless permit, leaving visible sex organs attached to one of the hind quarters as proof of sex
- Removing the restriction on draw locking devices on archery equipment
- 2020 Deer season dates: Youth and Hunters with Disabilities – Sept. 5-13, 2020; Muzzleloader – Sept. 14-27, 2020; Archery – Sept. 14-Dec. 31, 2020; Pre-rut Whitetail Antlerless-only – Oct. 10-12, 2020; and Firearm – Dec. 2-13, 2020.
To view a video and audio recording of the January 9 KWPT Commission meeting, visit
The next KWPT Commission meeting is scheduled for March 26 at the Kansas State Historical Society and Museum in Topeka.
For more information on the Commission, including a list of all future meetings scheduled to-date, visit